martes, 31 de octubre de 2023

Día Nacional de las Bibliotecas en la BRMU [Vídeo]

Las bibliotecas, esas naves espaciales (Asimov dixit) que nos trasladan a otros mundos por el tiempo y el espacio, celebraron  su Día en mi querida BRMU. Y contaron conmigo en el acto institucional oficial que podéis ver a continuación.

Mil gracias. 

5 comentarios:

  1. A First Aid course in Perth equips individuals with essential life-saving skills and knowledge to handle emergencies effectively. These courses, often accredited by organizations like St John Ambulance or Red Cross, cover a range of topics including CPR, wound management, and handling shock. Participants learn through a mix of theoretical lessons and practical, hands-on training.

    Completing a First Aid course not only boosts confidence in managing medical emergencies but also fulfills legal requirements for workplaces and professional settings. Many courses offer flexible scheduling, with options for online theory components combined with in-person practical sessions. By enrolling in a first aid course in Perth, individuals can ensure they are prepared to provide critical assistance in a variety of emergency situations.

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